How Beer Impacts: Is Good Or Bad for Your Body?

Introduction:- Beer is one of the oldest-consumed alcoholic drinks in the world and people of different cultures consume it. Most people see beer as a drink best consumed during social functions and leisure time, however, moderate beer consumption has benefits. Nonetheless, some bad effects arise when one takes too much of it, as discussed below. If one takes beer in the right quantity then beer is good for our body. Let’s talk about 10 proven health benefits of beer and 5 side effects in this article today.
10 Health Benefits of Drinking Beer in Limited Quantity Daily
1. Beer is Rich in Nutrients
Beer has been found to have vitamins including the B vitamins that are B12, B6, and folate, and some minerals which include potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. The same studies also reveal that beer also has some calcium content which is essential for a strong bone structure.
2. Beer Promotes Heart Health
Beer in moderation is said to be recommendable for the heart’s health. Studies have found that moderate beer consumers have some benefits of reducing the risk of heart disease will increase HDL cholesterol and blood vessel function. It may not be a coincidence that these heart-protective effects of beer are achieved through polyphenol antioxidants.
3. Beer Gives You Strengthens Bones
Beer also contains dietary silicon which is a beneficial dietary mineral that is especially significant for efficient bone computation. Silicon is useful in strengthening bones and instantly decreasing the possibility of osteoporosis, especially in senior citizens. Beer, especially the pale ale kind, is also high in this nutrient.
4. Beer Improves Kidney Health
Beer is considered a kidney-friendly drink because it is believed to have the ability to prevent the formation of kidney stones. In one case beer has been cited to reduce the probability of developing kidney stones in a man by up to 40%. This is because beer has relatively large amounts of water and a diuretic property that enhances the formation of urine and effectively discourages the formation of stones.
5. Aids in Digestion
Beer is known to stimulate the activity of the stomach and secretion of gastric juices there for enhancing digestion. Furthermore, beer contains some specific soluble fiber that is useful in enhancing digestion and would help deal with cases of constipation. Some brands of beer including some dark beers have also been found to contain a prebiotic compound that aids in the production of healthy bacteria in the gut.
6. Beer Supports Brain Health
In addition to controlling and reducing the above-mentioned health issues, moderate beer consumption also improves neural health as well as decreases the possibility of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. It includes flavonoids, which are both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that may protect brain cells.
7. Beer Boosts Immunity Power
Polyphenols are some of the antioxidants found in beer and will help to strengthen the immune system. These compounds aid in combating free radicals and decrease inflammation; in turn, may decrease the chance of infections and chronic diseases.
8. Beer Reduces Stress and Anxiety
Beer makes people more relaxed; it has a way of decreasing stress and anxiety in the community. Taking moderate alcohol comes with many benefits including helping out in the promotion of social and relaxed demeanour. The key is moderation as having more than moderate amounts of alcohol can worsen anxiety or depression.
9. Beer Provides Lowers Risk of Diabetes
According to some of the research, taking moderate amounts of beer can reduce the risk of contracting type 2 diabetes. People believe that beer enhances the sensitivity of insulin and that could be the reason why it reduces the chances of developing type 2 diabetes. But it should be stressed that overindulgence in alcohol contributes to weight gain, at least, and this, in turn, can ignite diabetes.
10. Beer Promotes Longevity
According to the study, and reasoning behind the research, it has been found out that beer and moderate intakes of alcohol are linked with longevity. According to some research, moderate consumers of beer have lower risks of death from causes related to any given year than either heavier consumers or abstainers, potentially because of the role of beer in increasing cardiovascular health and diminishing inflammation.
5 Side Effects of Drinking Beer Excess
1. Beer Helps to Weight Gain
beer contains many calories and therefore taking the product in large portions may result in weight gain. Said to be the “beer belly”, this means that taking beer regularly leads to the depositing of fats around the belly area. Beer is normally considered to have between 150 and 300 calories per pint depending on the beer, however the extras do add up.
2. Liver Damage
Perhaps one of the most dangerous of all the effects resulting from the consumption of beer is the damage that can be done to the liver. It metabolizes alcohol and with time the body is more likely to develop liver diseases like fatty liver, and alcoholic hepatitis other than cirrhosis. Such damage can be permanent and result in other health implications which may persist for a long time.
3. Addiction and Alcoholism
Beer takeout is a normal practice and has health hazards that show that taking a lot of beer regularly leads to alcohol dependence or addiction. Alcoholism is a long-term disease that affects the physical, social as well as psychological well-being of an individual. Consumers who are genetically inclined to develop the desire to take alcohol, spirits, or drugs should be very careful when taking beer or any other consumable product that contains alcohol.
4. It also escalates the risk of specific forms of cancer.
Consuming beer is potentially linked with different forms of cancer including mouth, throat, esophageal, liver, or breast cancer when taken in large proportions. Alcohol can irritate tissues and promote the development of cancerous cells. The American society has information about normal drinking habits for both men and women revealing that women who consume alcohol moderately are at high risk of developing breast cancer.
5. Dehydration and Hangovers
Alcohol also has a diuretic effect; which means that it helps the body release water. Consuming too much beer has an unwelcome side effect of dehydration, which manifests itself as a headache, tiredness, dry mouth, and, of course, the morning-after sore head. Dehydration also affects the kidneys and can lead to other illnesses if not well handled throughout and after competition.
Importance of Moderation of Drinking Beer
However, it is important to note that the magic behind the beer to be good for you while at the same time causing harm is in moderation. Current professional opinions state that this is termed as moderate drinking and should not be exceeded, for women, one drink per day, and for men two drinks per day. People who have a regular intake of alcohol beyond this volume are at risk of developing liver diseases, dependency, and cancer.
One also needs to make a point that the good effects of beer can be realized in persons with otherwise healthy status. Those with liver problems, heart issues, or alcohol dependency issues should stay away from beer in its entirety.
It also promotes heart and bone health among many others coupled with preventing diseases such as diabetes and kidney stones if taken in moderation, beer. But at the same time, the following negative observations are necessary:
- Beer makes people gain weight, can harm the liver, and is addictive.
- As with every other thing, moderation is the word when it comes to consuming beer
- the good part is reaping the benefits with little of the drawbacks.
- It is about moderation; you can embrace the benefits of beers in your diet plan and still steer clear of alcoholism-associated problems.